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How to detect an object real time and track it automatically, instead of user having to draw a bounding box around the object to be tracked?

I have the following code where the user can press p to pause the video, draw a bounding box around the object to be tracked, and then press Enter (carriage return) to track that object in the video feed:

import cv2
import sys

major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver = cv2.__version__.split('.')

if __name__ == '__main__' :

    # Set up tracker.
    tracker_types = ['BOOSTING', 'MIL','KCF', 'TLD', 'MEDIANFLOW', 'GOTURN', 'MOSSE', 'CSRT']
    tracker_type = tracker_types[1]

    if int(minor_ver) < 3:
        tracker = cv2.Tracker_create(tracker_type)
        if tracker_type == 'BOOSTING':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerBoosting_create()
        if tracker_type == 'MIL':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerMIL_create()
        if tracker_type == 'KCF':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerKCF_create()
        if tracker_type == 'TLD':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerTLD_create()
        if tracker_type == 'MEDIANFLOW':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerMedianFlow_create()
        if tracker_type == 'GOTURN':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerGOTURN_create()
        if tracker_type == 'MOSSE':
            tracker = cv2.TrackerMOSSE_create()
        if tracker_type == "CSRT":
            tracker = cv2.TrackerCSRT_create()

    # Read video
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 0 means webcam. Otherwise if you want to use a video file, replace 0 with "video_file.MOV")

    # Exit if video not opened.
    if not video.isOpened():
        print ("Could not open video")

    while True:

        # Read first frame.
        ok, frame =
        if not ok:
            print ('Cannot read video file')
        # Retrieve an image and Display it.
        if((0xFF & cv2.waitKey(10))==ord('p')): # Press key `p` to pause the video to start tracking
        cv2.namedWindow("Image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.imshow("Image", frame)

    # select the bounding box
    bbox = (287, 23, 86, 320)

    # Uncomment the line below to select a different bounding box
    bbox = cv2.selectROI(frame, False)

    # Initialize tracker with first frame and bounding box
    ok = tracker.init(frame, bbox)

    while True:
        # Read a new frame
        ok, frame =
        if not ok:
        # Start timer
        timer = cv2.getTickCount()

        # Update tracker
        ok, bbox = tracker.update(frame)

        # Calculate Frames per second (FPS)
        fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - timer);

        # Draw bounding box
        if ok:
            # Tracking success
            p1 = (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]))
            p2 = (int(bbox[0] + bbox[2]), int(bbox[1] + bbox[3]))
            cv2.rectangle(frame, p1, p2, (255,0,0), 2, 1)
        else :
            # Tracking failure
            cv2.putText(frame, "Tracking failure detected", (100,80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75,(0,0,255),2)

        # Display tracker type on frame
        cv2.putText(frame, tracker_type + " Tracker", (100,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (50,170,50),2);
        # Display FPS on frame
        cv2.putText(frame, "FPS : " + str(int(fps)), (100,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (50,170,50), 2);

        # Display result
        cv2.imshow("Tracking", frame)

        # Exit if ESC pressed
        k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff
        if k == 27 : break

Now, instead of having the user pause the video and draw the bounding box around the object, how do I make it such that it can automatically detect the particular object I am interested in (which is toothbrush in my case) whenever it is introduced in the video feed, and then track it?

I found this article which talks about how we can detect objects in video using ImageAI and Yolo.

from imageai.Detection import VideoObjectDetection
import os
import cv2

execution_path = os.getcwd()

camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) 

detector = VideoObjectDetection()
detector.setModelPath(os.path.join(execution_path , "yolo.h5"))

video_path = detector.detectObjectsFromVideo(camera_input=camera,
                                output_file_path=os.path.join(execution_path, "camera_detected_1")
                                , frames_per_second=29, log_progress=True)

Now, Yolo does detect toothbrush, it is among the 80 odd objects that it can detect by default. However, there are 2 points about this article that makes it not the ideal solution for me:

  1. This method first analyses each video frame (takes about 1-2 seconds per frame, so about 1 minute to analyse a 2-3 second video stream from the webcam), and saves the detected video in a separate video file. Whereas, I want to detect the toothbrush in the webcam video feed in real time. Is there a solution for this?

  2. The Yolo v3 model being used can detect all 80 objects, but I want only 2 or 3 objects detected - the toothbrush, the person holding the toothbrush and the background possibly, if needed at all. So, is there a way in which I can reduce the model weight by selecting only these 2 or 3 objects to detect?


  • If you want a quick and easy solution, you can use one of the more lightweight yolo files. You can get the weights and config files (they come in pairs and must be used together) from this website: (don't worry, it looks sketch but it's fine)

    Using a smaller network will get you much higher fps, but also worse accuracy. If that's a tradeoff you're willing to accept then this is the easiest thing to do.

    Here's some code for detecting toothbrushes. The first file is just a class file to help make using the Yolo network more seamless. The second is the "main" file that opens up a VideoCapture and feeds images to the network.

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    class Yolo:
        def __init__(self, cfg, weights, names, conf_thresh, nms_thresh, use_cuda = False):
            # save thresholds
            self.ct = conf_thresh;
            self.nmst = nms_thresh;
            # create net
   = cv2.dnn.readNet(weights, cfg);
            print("Finished: " + str(weights));
            self.classes = [];
            file = open(names, 'r');
            for line in file:
            # use gpu + CUDA to speed up detections
            if use_cuda:
            # get output names
            layer_names =;
            self.output_layers = [layer_names[i[0]-1] for i in];
        # runs detection on the image and draws on it
        def detect(self, img, target_id):
            # get detection stuff
            b, c, ids, idxs = self.get_detection_data(img, target_id);
            # draw result
            img = self.draw(img, b, c, ids, idxs);
            return img, len(idxs);
        # returns boxes, confidences, class_ids, and indexes (indices?)
        def get_detection_data(self, img, target_id):
            # get output
            layer_outputs = self.get_inf(img);
            # get dims
            height, width = img.shape[:2];
            # filter thresholds and target
            b, c, ids, idxs = self.thresh(layer_outputs, width, height, target_id);
            return b, c, ids, idxs;
        # runs the network on an image
        def get_inf(self, img):
            # construct a blob
            blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1 / 255.0, (416,416), swapRB=True, crop=False);
            # get response
            layer_outputs =;
            return layer_outputs;
        # filters the layer output by conf, nms and id
        def thresh(self, layer_outputs, width, height, target_id):
            # some lists
            boxes = [];
            confidences = [];
            class_ids = [];
            # each layer outputs
            for output in layer_outputs:
                for detection in output:
                    # get id and confidence
                    scores = detection[5:];
                    class_id = np.argmax(scores);
                    confidence = scores[class_id];
                    # filter out low confidence
                    if confidence > self.ct and class_id == target_id:
                        # scale bounding box back to the image size
                        box = detection[0:4] * np.array([width, height, width, height]);
                        (cx, cy, w, h) = box.astype('int');
                        # grab the top-left corner of the box
                        tx = int(cx - (w / 2));
                        ty = int(cy - (h / 2));
                        # update lists
            # apply NMS
            idxs = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, self.ct, self.nmst);
            return boxes, confidences, class_ids, idxs;
        # draw detections on image
        def draw(self, img, boxes, confidences, class_ids, idxs):
            # check for zero
            if len(idxs) > 0:
                # loop over indices
                for i in idxs.flatten():
                    # extract the bounding box coords
                    (x,y) = (boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1]);
                    (w,h) = (boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3]);
                    # draw a box
                    cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (0,0,255), 2);
                    # draw text
                    text = "{}: {:.4}".format(self.classes[class_ids[i]], confidences[i]);
                    cv2.putText(img, text, (x, y-5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,0,255), 2);
            return img;

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    # this is the "" file, I assume it's in the same folder as this program
    from yolo import Yolo
    # these are the filepaths of the yolo files
    weights = "yolov3-tiny.weights";
    config = "yolov3-tiny.cfg";
    labels = "yolov3.txt";
    # init yolo network
    target_class_id = 79; # toothbrush
    conf_thresh = 0.4; # less == more boxes (but more false positives)
    nms_thresh = 0.4; # less == more boxes (but more overlap)
    net = Yolo(config, weights, labels, conf_thresh, nms_thresh);
    # open video capture
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0);
    # loop
    done = False;
    while not done:
        # get frame
        ret, frame =;
        if not ret:
            done = cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q');
        # do detection
        frame, _ = net.detect(frame, target_class_id);
        # show
        cv2.imshow("Marked", frame);
        done = cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q');

    There are a few options for you if you don't want to use a lighter weights file.

    If you have an Nvidia GPU you can use CUDA to drastically increase your fps. Even modest nvidia gpu's are several times faster than running solely on cpu.

    A common strategy to bypass the cost of constantly running detection is to only use it to initially acquire a target. You can use the detection from the neural net to initialize your object tracker, similar to a person drawing a bounding box around the object. Object trackers are way faster and there's no need to constantly do a full detection every frame.

    If you run Yolo and object tracking in a separate thread then you can run as fast as your camera is capable of. You'll need to store a history of frames so that when the Yolo thread finishes a frame you can check the old frame to see if you're already tracking the object, and so you can start the object tracker on the corresponding frame and fast-forward it to let it catch up. This program isn't simple and you'll need to make sure you're managing data between your threads correctly. It's a good excercise for becoming comfortable with multithreading though, which is a huge step in programming.