I come across this issue constantly; and my current solution is to create additional dataframes, I feel like there must be an easier solution.
Here is an example of data where I have multiple countries with multiple attributes:
If I wanted to plot Population vs. Depression (%) I would write:
ax = df.plot.scatter(x='Population', y='Depression (%)')
This isn't super helpful, as there are clearly lines linked to specific Countries (df['Country']). Is there a simple way to plot a scatter plot with different series (colors/shapes/etc) as different Countries?
Right now I use groupby to separate out individual Countries and plot them on the same axes (ax = ax).
Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Try c="Country" and then if you want some nice colors you can go colormap='viridis' for example documentation
ax2 = df.plot.scatter(x='length',
Since you are using strings as variables we can't use this approach directly and need to convert the data to numbers. This can be done by writing: