I'm trying to create an EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) Rule and have that rule added as a trigger to an existing Lambda function.
const notificationFunction = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(this,
const rule = new Rule(this, `${stackPrefix}-EventRule`, {
eventPattern: {
source: ['aws.codepipeline'],
detailType: ['CodePipeline Pipeline Execution State Change'],
detail: {pipeline: [pipeline.pipelineName]}
notificationFunction.addPermission(`${stackPrefix}-CloudWatchPermission`, {
principal: new ServicePrincipal('events.amazonaws.com'),
sourceArn: rule.ruleArn
rule.addTarget(new LambdaFunction(notificationFunction));
The code creates the EventBridge with the Lambda target correctly, but it doesn't add the trigger to the actual Lambda. I have to manually add the EventBridge to the Lambda through the AWS Web Console.
Seems like it's not enough to add the Lambda as a target to the Event Rule. How should I add the Event Rule as a trigger to the Lambda?
From Importing existing external resources in the CDK Developer Guide.
Although you can use an imported resource anywhere, you cannot modify the imported resource. For example, calling addToResourcePolicy (Python: add_to_resource_policy) on an imported s3.Bucket does nothing.
You cannot add a trigger to notificationFunction
from the CDK stack because notificationFunction
is an external resource.