I'm trying to write a meta-interpreter in prolog for prolog, which would return maximal reached recursion depth in a given prolog program.
This code actually counts number of all recursive calls in a program:
rc( true, 0) :- !.
rc( ( Goal1, Goal2), N) :- !, %we have multiple goals
rc( Goal1, N1), %count recursive calls in Goal1
rc( Goal2, N2), %count recursive calls in goals Goal2
N is N1 + N2. %add both counters
rc( Goal, N) :-
clause( Goal, Body),
functor( Goal, F, A), %get functor and airity
rcount( F/A, Body, NF), %count calls of that functor/airity in the body
rc( Body, NB), %recursively process the body
N is NF + NB. %add counters
I must somehow keep track of each individual recursion path and compare their depths, but have problems defining this in prolog. Can somebody point me into the right direction?
You can try something along these lines:
solve(true, 0) :- !.
solve(Head, Hdepth) :- clause(Head, Body), solve(Body, Bdepth),
Hdepth is Bdepth + 1.
solve((Goal1, Goal2), Depth) :- solve(Goal1, Depth1), solve(Goal2, Depth2),
Depth is max(Depth1, Depth2).