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Unit tests in kotlin with Mockk overload resolution ambiguity

I need to get the results of the query with specifications. In order to do that I'm using JpaSpecificationExecutor's List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> spec) method. The problem is that I can't do the same in tests, cause it has several methods with the same parameters. Here is my method:

fun getFaqList(category: FaqCategory?, subcategory: FaqCategory?, searchText: String?): List<FaqEntity> {

    val spec = Specification.where(FaqSpecification.categoryEquals(category))
            stringFieldContains("title", searchText)
                ?.or(stringFieldContains("description", searchText))

    return faqRepository.findAll(spec)

And the test that I'm trying to run:

private lateinit var faqRepository: FaqRepository

private lateinit var faqService: FaqService

companion object {
    val FAQ_CATEGORY_ENTITY = FaqCategoryEntity(
        id = AGRICULTURE

    val FAQ_SUBCATEGORY_ENTITY = FaqCategoryEntity(

    val FAQ_ENTITY = FaqEntity(
        id = FAQ_ID,
        title = "title",
        description = "description",
        category = FAQ_CATEGORY_ENTITY,
        subcategory = FAQ_SUBCATEGORY_ENTITY

fun `getFaqList - should return faq list`() {
    val faqList = listOf(FAQ_ENTITY)

    every { faqRepository.findAll(any()) } returns faqList

    val response = faqService.getFaqList(AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURE_GENERAL, FAQ_SEARCH_TEXT)


I'm getting error:

Overload resolution ambiguity. All these functions match.
public abstract fun <S : FaqEntity!> findAll(example: Example<TypeVariable(S)!>): 
(Mutable)List<TypeVariable(S)!> defined in kz.btsd.backkotlin.faq.FaqRepository
public abstract fun findAll(pageable: Pageable): Page<FaqEntity!> defined in 
public abstract fun findAll(sort: Sort): (Mutable)List<FaqEntity!> defined in 
public abstract fun findAll(spec: Specification<FaqEntity!>?): (Mutable)List<FaqEntity!> 
defined in kz.btsd.backkotlin.faq.FaqRepository

What should I write in findAll() params in order for spring to understand :



  • Solved the problem with

    every { faqRepository.findAll(any<Specification<FaqEntity>>()) } returns faqList