I'm trying to get all the records of children for which age is less than 5 years.
The date to calculate age should be a future date e.g 2021-08-12
$date and $age are custom.
$date can be any future date and $age is a number (e.g 5)
I have written the following but it is not working.
$children=Child::whereRaw('DATEDIFF('.$date.', date_of_birth) < '.$age.'')
Here date_of_birth is a column in DB.
Finally after debugging i found a solution. The problem was that the $date was not passed as string due to which there were no days found and I had to convert the days into years. This may help to someone.
$children=Child::whereRaw('(DATEDIFF("'.$date.'",date_of_birth)/365) < '.$age.'')