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How to add a prefix or folders in a bucket for multiple source for Canvas LMS

I have found out how to store files from local to an Amazon S3 Bucket but I have other problems.

In my bucket when I upload a file from my Canvas LMS website to the S3 bucket the files stored at


but I have three "folders" in my bucket:


and I need to configure the yml files to tell every image where to save its files => [save files at ]=> s3://Mybucket/AAA/ => [save files at ]=> s3://Mybucket/BBB/ 

And so on.

I use docker do build images, how can I do it? Should I change the bucket name in amazon_s3.yml from

bucket_name: Mybucket


bucket_name: Mybucket/AAA 

I tried it, but nothing happens just errors.


I know how to add it in file_store.yml so I use this configuration to save files from CANVAS LMS to dir-A directory :

   storage: s3
   path_prefix: attachments/dir-A/

what I need it's to change this path_prefix for every docker-compose to tell every organization where to save files in aws s3 for example :

Organization A =>  s3://bucket-name/account_1/attachments/dir-A/  
Organization B =>  s3://bucket-name/account_1/attachments/dir-B/  
Organization C =>  s3://bucket-name/account_1/attachments/dir-C/ 

So like I said above, I know how to save files in directory ,but I used by Dockerfile by building images with amazon_s3.yml and file_store.yml

And now I need to change just the path_prefix for every organization is that possible and how please?


  • I found the solution; So to make edit path_prefix in file_store.yml for every docker-compose

    I add this ENV

      storage: s3
      path_prefix: attachments/<%= ENV['HELLO_VARIABLE'] %>/

    and in docker-compose.yml I add HELLO_VARIABLE to environment like:

      app: &app
        image: registry/images:1
          - HELLO_VARIABLE=dir-A

    and work perfectly when I upload now file to my canvas LMS platform the files stored at