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Blazor - Base Render in an inherited component doesn't use overridden methods

I'm trying to make a Blazor component that I will then specialize and override some methods.

Base Component "ZoomList":

@inherits ComponentBase
    <table class="table">
                @foreach (var str in Headers())
            @foreach (var item in items)
                    @foreach (var str in Rows(item))

@code {
    public List<Object> items { get; set; }

    protected virtual List<string> Rows(Object item) { return new List<string>() { "Placeholder" }; }
    protected virtual List<string> Headers() { return new List<string>() { "Placeholder" }; }

Derivated component "ZoomCampaign":

@inherits ZoomList
@using MyNamespace.Model


@code {

    protected override List<string> Rows(Object item)
        Campaign camp = item as Campaign;
        return new List<string>() {

    protected override List<string> Headers()
        return new List<string>() { "#", "Name" };

ZoomCampaign is then called from another page. But this.BuildRenderTree(__builder) doesn't use the overridden methods but is using the base methods. => My html array is contains the "Placeholder" text, not the text defined in override methods "Rows" and "Headers" from ZoomCampaign.

What am I missing ? How can I change it so that override methods are the ones that are used during rendering ?


  • As mentioned in another answer, this is not how components work - specifically this code should be removed from ZoomCampaign:


    You can look at the generated code (ZoomCapaign.razor.g.cs) to see what is going wrong.

    When you put that code in the markup of a razor component, you are basically saying "hey, when you come to render ZoomCampaign, please render ZoomCapaign"

    This is worse than redundant (ZoomCapaign is already being rendered) as it has introduced a bug.


    Remove the code mentioned above. Additionally, your ZoomCapaign component does not use any Razor features and can be implemented in a simpler, cleaner, (less prone to this kind of error) way as a csharp file ZoomCampaign.cs instead.

    Try it here : _I did not override Rows in this sample because I don't have the model, but you can see the Headers override is working.