I have weather alert data like
"alerts": [
"description": "There is a risk of frost (Level 1 of 2).\nMinimum temperature: ~ -2 \u00b0C",
"end": 1612522800,
"event": "frost",
"sender_name": "DWD / Nationales Warnzentrum Offenbach",
"start": 1612450800
"description": "There is a risk of widespread icy surfaces (Level 1 of 3).\ncause: widespread ice formation or traces of snow",
"end": 1612515600,
"event": "widespread icy surfaces",
"sender_name": "DWD / Nationales Warnzentrum Offenbach",
"start": 1612450800
"description": "Es treten Windb\u00f6en mit Geschwindigkeiten um 55 km/h (15m/s, 30kn, Bft 7) aus \u00f6stlicher Richtung auf. In exponierten Lagen muss mit Sturmb\u00f6en bis 65 km/h (18m/s, 35kn, Bft 8) gerechnet werden.",
"end": 1612587600,
"event": "WINDB\u00d6EN",
"sender_name": "DWD / Nationales Warnzentrum Offenbach",
"start": 1612522800
Now I want to add to every single alert dict a key-value-pair which contains the detection of language from the 'description' field. I tried that but can't get the right syntax...
import json
from langdetect import detect
with open("kiel.json", 'r') as f:
data = json.loads(f.read())
#'ADDED_KEY' = 'lang' - should be added as a data field to EVERY alert
#'ADDED_VALUE' = 'en' or 'ger' - should be the detected language [via detect()] from data field 'description' of every alert
with open("kiel.json", 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
Actually I just got Adding at the whole file like:
"alerts": [
"description": "There is a risk of frost (Level 1 of 2).\nMinimum temperature: ~ -2 \u00b0C",
"end": 1612522800,
"event": "frost",
"sender_name": "DWD / Nationales Warnzentrum Offenbach",
"start": 1612450800
Can you help me to complete the code in the right way with right accessing of the right data fields please?
Now the case appears, that 'alerts' is not included as datafield (for example when no alert-data is transmitted because the weather is fine) - I althrought want to generate that JSON. I tried:
for item in data['alerts']:
if 'alerts' not in data:
item['lang'] = detect(item['description'])
But if there is no 'alerts' datafield I got
for item in data['alerts']:
KeyError: 'alerts'
How can I solve this? Is "continue" not the right task? Or have I to change if- and for-loop? Thx again!
Following works. Iterate over alert and add the key/value as you mentioned.
import json
from langdetect import detect
with open("kiel.json", 'r') as f:
data = json.loads(f.read())
for item in data['alerts']:
item['lang'] = detect(item['description'])
#'ADDED_KEY' = 'lang' - should be added as a data field to EVERY alert
#'ADDED_VALUE' = 'en' or 'ger' - should be the detected language [via detect()] from data field 'description' of every alert
with open("kiel.json", 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))