I want to query over two columns as 2-tuples , where one can be null.
example :
| first | last |
| Homer | NULL |
| Marge | Simpson |
Something like:
Select * from cartoons where (first, last ) in ((Homer ,NULL ), ( Marge ,Simpson) ) ;
(Which should retrieve both Homer's and Marge's rows)
I am using the following query for test:
select ('Homer', null) in (('Homer', null));
which returns null.
Reference to related questions :
SQL version : 5.7.12
You can't use the tuple syntax in this case, which uses equality comparisons under the hood. Instead, use the longer version:
FROM cartoons
WHERE first = 'Homer' AND last IS NULL OR first = 'Marge' AND last = 'Simpson';
Just for reference, here is what your current query is actually saying:
FROM cartoons
WHERE first = 'Homer' AND last = NULL OR first = 'Marge' AND last = 'Simpson';
Note that comparing a column directly to NULL
is semantically incorrect.