I spent a few hours trying to find a way (I do not really grasp the tangled IIS docs) to make URLS friendly while keeping a single entry point within the public folder. I mean, when the user types:
Internally the rule redirects it to:
The rule I wrote is and that (i thought) work like a charm, is:
<rule name="Default" stopProcessing="true" >
<match url="[/^myproject$/]{1}(.*)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="myrpoject/public/index.php" />
Despite the fact that I still need to add https enforcement and block direct access to folders, it did the work (the app is still beta). But, to my surprise, when I wrote
The server redirected rewrited it as
The irs clearly something I don't understand about those rules. I thought that the "match" tag meant that the rule applied only if there was a regex match, but it clearly isn't the case... In fact, the prefix I am using withing the url attribute inside the match tag is doing nothing... I don't understand.
How can I make the rule to only apply to URLS starting with "myproject"...
PS: CUrrently I have the web.config file inside inetub/wwwroot, at the same elevel of the projects.
I tested your rule and did some changes. Please try this.
<rule name="Default" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="myproject/(.*)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="myrpoject/public/index.php/{R:1}" />
<add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="myproject/public/(.*)" negate="true" />