I'm using a PHP library to display a small png image. It works fine placed into its own PHP file, right here: https://www.sidesay.co/test_draw.php
The code is quite simple.
require './libraries/Sparkline-master/autoload.php';
$sparkline = new Davaxi\Sparkline();
But when I include the above code into my larger php file for displaying with the rest of the webpage, I get junk data where the image should be, that looks like this:
�PNG IHDRPغ� pHYs���+�IDATX��OLZw�?���4H�@\’j�DOzX�d��SM��,f.��%���Poۚ�^l�fa�lz/�^�ɥä�9�AuB��C�{(�oP�):u�����}�߇���C�(��e18��q��Rĥ̡� �D�n1A�9��R�2�C)��I��ID9�A_���L_�A�//
Any ideas?
EDIT: I've created a quick PHP file to show the problem. Including a Header does not resolve the problem. It only works without HTML or if I place the PHP at the top it works but my HTML will not display at all.
header('Content-type: image/png');
require './libraries/Sparkline-master/autoload.php';
$sparkline = new Davaxi\Sparkline();
<p>Not displaying</p>
The output to this can be seen here:
I have also tried using the imagepng function but the junk data persists.
You cannot display any html in this file.
But, to display the PNG, you have to add this:
header('Content-Type: image/png');