Is there a way in C++ to pass arguments by name like in python? For example I have a function:
void foo(int a, int b = 1, int c = 3, int d = 5);
Can I somehow call it like:
foo(5 /* a */, c = 5, d = 8);
foo(5, /* a */, d = 1);
There are no named function parameters in C++, but you can achieve a similar effect with designated initializers from C++20.
Take all the function parameters and put them into a struct:
struct S
int a{}, b{}, c{}, d{};
Now modify your function to take an instance of that struct (by const&
for efficiency)
void foo(S s)
std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << " " << s.c << " " << s.d; // for example
and now you can call the function like this:
foo({.a = 2, .c = 3}); // prints 2 0 3 0
// b and d get default values of 0
Here's a demo