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How do I perform a Twilio Flow split by different phone numbers in a channel?

I am planning to have multiple phone numbers (Whatsapp for example), routed to the same Twilio Flow.

As per, I should be expecting a Twilio phone number that I can use to split the flow by:

Flow Variables include:
The Flow's Execution Sid: flow.sid
The Flow's address (e.g. Twilio phone number):

When I tried this on a Whatsapp Sandbox it returned my channel SID instead. How else can I split my flow to different branches depending on my Twilio phone number (not to be mistaken with the customer's phone number) that the customer is connecting with?

As a note, I understand this can be done by assigning different Flows to different phone numbers, but it seems like an unncessary duplication.


  • It should be {{trigger.message.To}}. That will return the Twilio number the person sent the WhatsApp message to. You can use this varible in the Split Based on Widget to route to to a particular path in the shared Studio flow.

    You can look at the Studio execution logs for for your Studio flow (under Logs > Click an Execution SID > Expand Trigger > Click on Widget & Flow Properties).