I'm new to R, so please bear with me. I am looking at incarceration data, and have a variable conviction
, which is a messy string that looks like this:
[1] "Ct. 1: Conspiracy to distribute"
[2] "Aggravated Assault"
[3] "Ct. 1: Possession of prohibited object; Ct. 2: criminal forfeiture"
[4] "Ct. 1-6: Human Trafficking; Cts. 7, 8 Unlawful contact; Ct. 11: Involuntary Servitude; Ct. 36: Smuggling"
Ideally, I want to do two things. First, I want to parse on Ct.
into multiple columns. For the first three rows, the data would look like this:
convictions conviction_1 conviction_2
[1,] "Ct. 1: Conspiracy to distribute" "Conspiracy to distribute" NA
[2,] "Aggravated Assault" "Aggravated Assault" NA
[3,] "Ct. 1: Possession of prohibited object" "Possession of prohibited object" "criminal forfeiture"
but things get hairy when I get to the third row, because I would want to parse the first part of the string(Ct. 1-6: Human Trafficking
) into 6 columns, and then Ct. 7,8: Unlawful contact
into 2 more columns.
The second part is that I then want to generate a variable convictions_total
which would find the highest number in the conviction
string that follows after Ct:
. for the three example entries I included here, convictions_total
would look like:
[1] 1 2 36
This is the code I used to parse a much more straight-forward string variable, but I'm unsure how to tweak it for this variable:
cols <- data.frame(str_split_fixed(data$convictions`,",",Inf))
colnames(cols) <- paste0("conviction_",rep(1:length(cols)))
data <- cbind(data,cols)
Thank you in advance!
After going down a two-day rabbit hole, I figured out a tidy version of @LMc's code, which ended up working better because calling plyr
was messing up other code I had written:
test_data <-
tibble(id = 1:5,
convictions = c("Ct. 1: Conspiracy to distribute" ,
"Aggravated Assault" ,
"Ct. 1: Possession of prohibited object; Ct. 2: criminal forfeiture" ,
"Ct. 1-6: Human Trafficking; Cts. 7, 8 Unlawful contact; Ct. 11: Involuntary Servitude; Ct. 36: Smuggling 50 grams",
"Ct. 1: Conspiracy; Cts. 2-7: Wire Fraud; Cts. 8-28: Money Laundering"))
test_data <- test_data %>%
mutate(c2 = convictions) #this just duplicates the original variable convictions because I want to preserve it
test_data <- test_data %>%
separate_rows(c2, sep = ";") %>%
mutate(c2 = str_remove(c2, "Ct(s)?(\\. )(\\d|-|:|,|\\s)+")) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(conviction_number = paste0("c_", row_number())) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = c2, names_from = conviction_number)
test_data <- test_data %>%
mutate(c2 = convictions) #again, just preserving the original variable
test_data <- test_data %>%
separate_rows(c2, sep = ";") %>%
mutate(total_counts = as.numeric(ifelse(is.na(str_extract(c2, "((?<=\\-)\\d+)")), str_extract(c2, "\\d+"), str_extract(c2, "((?<=\\-)\\d+)")))) %>%
mutate(total_counts = ifelse(is.na(total_counts), 1, total_counts)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
which produces the following dataframe:
id convictions c_1 c_2 c_3 c_4 c2 total_counts
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 Ct. 1: Conspiracy to distribute Conspiracy to dis~ NA NA NA "Ct. 1: Conspirac~ 1
2 2 Aggravated Assault Aggravated Assault NA NA NA "Aggravated Assau~ 1
3 3 Ct. 1: Possession of prohibited object; Ct. 2: criminal for~ Possession of pro~ " criminal f~ NA NA " Ct. 2: criminal~ 2
4 4 Ct. 1-6: Human Trafficking; Cts. 7, 8 Unlawful contact; Ct.~ Human Trafficking " Unlawful c~ " Involuntary~ " Smuggling~ " Ct. 36: Smuggli~ 36
5 5 Ct. 1: Conspiracy; Cts. 2-7: Wire Fraud; Cts. 8-28: Money ~ Conspiracy " Wire Fraud" " Money Laund~ NA " Cts. 8-28: Mon~ 28
The first chunk of code parses the counts into separate rows, and then pivots back to the c_
columns. The second code chunk does the same parsing, but then looks across each entry to parse out the digits, instead of the words.
looks for any digit, but it turns out I had data that looked like Cts. 2-7
where I wanted the value 7, and not 2.
Looks for the hyphen, and then parses the digits after it. If there is no hyphen, it defaults back to \\d+
Finally, slice_max
collapses the data down to 1 entry per ID based on the highest value of total_counts