I am a working on an app that has a list of sports, i built a reusable view for the name and image of sports to be used to list each sport. Then i made a view for each sport to be opened when a user taps a sport image from the list of sports, i created a variable for image, sportname and link, i dont know how to link a variable with NavigationLink. I am lost here, any help will be really appreciated. Below is my code.
struct SportTypeInsetView: View {
var buttonImage1: String
var buttonName1: String
var buttonLink1: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Button (action: {
}) {
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10, style: .continuous))
.frame(width: 50, height: 30)
SportTypeInsetView(buttonImage1: "Yoga-icon", buttonName1: "Yoga",buttonLink1: )
How do i connect it to YogaView() when the button is tapped?
You can use NavigationLink with button Style DefaultButtonStyle
NavigationLink has a label parameter, which is basically a SwiftUI view object, you can simply pass a Text
object so that it looks like button or pass both Image
and Text
, it's up to you, end result will be button style NavigationLink
Providing a button style helps to give you a similar feel like button.
NavigationLink(destination: SportDetailView(),
label: {
Text("Navigate To next Screen")
In case you want to customize the NavigationLink Label View, you can do something like this.
NavigationLink(destination: SportDetailView(),
label: {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "pencil")
Text("Edit name")
To achieve a Navigation link which is dynamic in behavior, SportTypeInsetView
can have a generic Type TargetView
which is constrained by View
With that being said you would not need buttonLink1
as the targetView
itself is dynamic.
SportTypeInsetView(targetView: YogaView(), buttonImage1: "Tap", buttonName1: "Button A", buttonLink1: "")
SportTypeInsetView(targetView: SomeAnotherSportView(), buttonImage1: "Tap", buttonName1: "Button B", buttonLink1: "")
struct SportTypeInsetView<TargetView: View>: View {
let targetView: TargetView
var buttonImage1: String
var buttonName1: String
var buttonLink1: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
NavigationView {
VStack {
destination: self.targetView,
label: {
//Add Image , text or button here
Text("Navigation to next")