I want to convert a short form of a tree string expression (with parentheses) into the full form of it.
This is an example tree expression:
intput: ((((XX(XXX(XX
output: ((((XX)(XX))X)(XX))
and this tree looks like:
can some one provides me full code or at least some part of code in C++?
other example:
input: (S((SS(S(S(((S(SSSS
output: (S((SS)(S(S(((S(SS))S)S)))))
It is an inorder tree traversal process. Root-->Left-->Right.
If you want I can write the full solution which will take some time.
Can You give me an example code(I mean is there any code snippets given)? Or I have to write tree-building code and then output?
look at you code: Let answer string = "";
step 01: root -->(, answer = "(", go left
step02: root --->(, answer = "((", go left
step 03: root -->( answer = "(((", go left
step04: root --> ( answer = "((((, go left
step 05: root ---> x answer = "((((x, there is no left, go right of step 04
step 06: root--> x, answer = "((((xx, there is no left, right, so add ")"
so the answer will be = "((((xx), and go right of step 03
step 07: root -->(, answer = "(((xx)(, go left
step 08: root--> x answer = "((((xx)(x, no left go right of step 07
step 09: root--> x answer = "((((xx)(xx, there is no left or right , go back, add")"
so the answer will be= "((((xx)(xx)
same way you can solve the rest of the tree.
Note If there is no child node, and the node is right of parent node add ")"(closing bracket)