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Print DiagrammeR object inside for-loop

Is there a straightforward way to print DiagrammeR objects from within a loop in an R Markdown document? I have a document in which a regression table, a plot and a diagram are each generated for multiple models and printed together. It's easy to do this with a for-loop but the DiagrammeR object won't print inside a loop (even with an explicit call like print(graph).

This has been documented elsewhere (see: ) but the suggested solution from 2015 does not appear to work now (and is limited to html output).

See example code for an Rmd below.

title: "DiagrammeR loop test"
author: ""
date: "11/20/2020"
output: pdf_document

# Some header
Printing a single flowchart works fine in knitr using the DiagrammeR package. 

```{r figure_1, out.width = "15%", echo = FALSE, fig.align = 'center', fig.cap = "Flowchart 1: This prints fine."}

      digraph test {

        node [shape = circle] 
          A; B

        A -> B



Flowchart 2 which is inside a loop, however, does not print 

```{r figure_2, out.width = "15%", echo = FALSE, fig.align = 'center', fig.cap = "Flowchart 2: These two diagrams do not print even with an explicit print command."}

for (i in 1:2){
graph <- DiagrammeR::grViz(" 
      digraph test {

        node [shape = circle] 
          A; B

        A -> B




  • Here is how to fix it:

    # Create an empty list to save the htmlwidgets
    plot_list <- htmltools::tagList()
    for (i in 1:2){
    graph <- DiagrammeR::grViz(" 
          digraph test {
            node [shape = circle] 
              A; B
            A -> B
    # Store the htmlwidget inside this list
    plot_list[[i]] <- graph 
    #Print this list