I'm sending multiple emails. Part of their shared layout requires a white and yellow design on the left hand side. table1 does not have a fixed height as there will be different content depending on the email being sent. How can I get table2 to completely fill out height-wise? I'm using third party software to generate the html, so "fancy" inline CSS is a no-go.
<table name="table1">
<table height="100%" name="table2">
<td height="100%" width="10px" bgcolor="white"></td>
<td height="100%" width="30px" bgcolor="yellow"></td>
text that can so on and on and on...</br>
more text</br>
even more.</br>
If you want to stretch the whole height why dont you loose table 2 and do something like:
<table name="table1">
<td width="10px" bgcolor="white"></td>
<td width="30px" bgcolor="yellow"></td>
text that can so on and on and on...<br/>
more text<br/>
even more.<br/>
Or do I misunderstand your question?