I have image files with UNIX timestamps as their names, e.g. 1341846314.694004.png
. The names correspond to the message header.stamp
of the ROS .bag-file that publishes the images.
Using Python I generated bounding box files for each image and used the same pattern to name them, e.g. 1341846314.694004_bb.txt
I am unable to convert the header.stamp
, that is of type ros::Time
and of format UNIX time, to string in C++.
Every resource that I read so far, tells me to either use header.stamp.toSec()
(which does not help as relevant information is being lost), or to convert it to some other time format from which I then, in turn, would be able to convert to string (which again does not help as I need the UNIX format).
The time classes provides fields for secs and nsecs both in Python and C++. So you can use them and combine them to a string:
stamp =
print(str(stamp.secs) + '.' + str(stamp.nsecs))
ros::Time stamp = ros::Time::now();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << stamp.sec << "." << stamp.nsec;
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
The output for both implementations is like: