I read the google help for tracking an addon (https://developers.google.com/gsuite/marketplace/use-analytics) and I am not sure, what to do on the google analytics side of the idea.
I added a stream and entered the url of the application url, which I can find in the sore entry settings of the google cloud plattform.
Then I entered the Stream ID in the configuration of my addon's store entry configuration page, where it asks for google Analytics-ID (I entered the G- ... number).
But I don't see any data in GA.
What did I get wrong in the first place? :)
Maybe I am on the wrong path, so I want to share my goal as well: I try to track three things of my google calendar add-on:
thanks for your input and questions to lead me to the solution :)
Try to use a Universal Analytics Property, the one with ID like UA-XXXXX-Y. When you create a new property activate the advanced options and choose that property type.