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How do I get from an image::ImageBuffer to a actix_web::HttpResponse

The goal is to generate a qr-code using the crate qrcode and send it immediately as a png file for download using actix-web

So far I have:

let qr = QrCode::new(&format!("{}", &link_id)).unwrap();
let png: ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> = qr.render::<Luma<u8>>().build();

Which contains the qrcode. I can save this to a file using it's .save() method. But ideally I would not take that overhead and instead send the file immediately. However I fail to pass correct data to actix-web.

I tried the following which compiles but does send only a faulty image that cannot be viewed:



  • Like so:

        let qr = QrCode::new("").unwrap();
        let png: ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> = qr.render::<Luma<u8>>().build();
        let mut w = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
            .write_to(&mut w, ImageOutputFormat::Png)
        let vec = w.into_inner();
        // vec now contains the PNG bytes