I have a method that calls another method with a stream. I would like to test that the data inserted in the first method is what is sent in the second.
public MyMessage Parse(byte[] data)
return myDependency.Read(new MemoryStream(data))
In my test, I have something like the following
byte [] mockData = { 116, 101, 115, 116};
Now my question is, what is the correct thing I should have in place of ...
I can do something like (It.IsAny<MemoryStream>())
, but that does not actually verify that it was called with the given data.
I tried something like It.Is<MemoryStream>(s=>s.Equals(new MemoryStream(data)))
but that failed.
Is there a way for me to test that the data sent to Parse
is the same data send in the memory stream to Read
I tried something like
It.Is<MemoryStream>(s=>s.Equals(new MemoryStream(data)))
but that failed.
In this case it could have been done like
mockDependency.Verify(_ => _.Read(It.Is<MemoryStream>( s =>
Enumerable.SequenceEqual(s.ToArray(), data))));
by comparing the byte arrays
You can also try capturing the passed argument so that is can be better inspected during assertion
For example
// Arrange
byte [] expectedData = { 116, 101, 115, 116 };
byte [] actualData = null;
.Setup(_ => _.Read(It.IsAny<MemoryStream>()))
.Callback((MemoryStream ms) => actualData = ms.ToArray())
.Returns(/* MyMessage here*/)
// Act
mockDependency.Verify(); //verify that setup was invoked as expected
//using FluentAssertions to check data
Note that Fluent Assertions was used to simplify the assertion of the collection.