I am using STM32 cubeMX for configuration and Keil for programming.
Have set onboard led pin pc13 pin as an output pin and default in push-pull mode. Set debugger to the serial wire as I am using ST-link V2 as a debugger. RCC set HSE to crystal/ceramic resonator.
and clock configuration set to default and generated project.
Now I started with a simple LED blink program. As below
build successfully with no error and uploaded and wonder my led was not blinking and shocked as I have done this before and now this is not working. when I debugged step by step and my code was just going from two functions repeatedly.
while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait)
__weak uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void)
return uwTick;
Nothing happens more in this code I know the code is right but there is some error in the HAL_delay configuration. After scratching my head for a day I tried uploading the following code
And strange thing is that now my led is blinking only I have change the HAL_dealy value from 1000 to 100 and it works fine but, when using 1000 does not work at all. So for testing, I gradually increased the delay value and I find that more than HAL_delay(400) it does not work.
Not able to find cause for this Any help will be appreciable.
As suggested by Tom I debugged uwTickFreq using STstudio.
and I got the following output waveform.
After that, I also uploaded the following code. And defined a variable as "unsigned long int a;"
a= HAL_GetTick();
Now I debugged the value of a using STstudio. And strange the value of a becomes 0 once it reached around 300.
It seems like finally, I got the problem when I noticed the reset problem in the controller I searched around and find something here.
So I checked my optional bytes set in MCU with the STM32 cube programmer. It was set as below.
Therefore I enabled these three optional bytes.
And the problem of reset was gone and I am now able to use the HAL_delay function properly and now the value of HAL_GetTick() is also increasing more than 300.
Still have one dought I think watchdog was causing reset but why it only cause that when I use the timing function.