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How do I pass command line switches with double quotes to

So I have this function, which I use to launch urls in Brave Browser. I would like to be able to use the --profile-directory switch to launch my urls in specific profiles, but Dart treats the quotes in my argument differently. Here is the command I want to execute:

start brave --profile-directory="Profile 1" ""

The Dart code is this:
    '--profile-directory="Profile 1"',
  runInShell: true,

However, it replaces my double quotes with a "\". I'm greeted with an error dialog that says "Windows cannot find 1\" ". Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.

I tried escaping them by using '\"Profile 1\"' but that didn't help either. This was the case for a while, but now theres something unusual happening. The same command launches Brave in the Profile select window, asking me to choose a profile.

I also tried passing the arguments like this : ['brave', '--profile-directory', '"Profile 1"']. This command doesn't even launch brave.

How do I properly execute said command using I'm using Flutter for Windows.


  • Found solution:

    Not using the start command and runInShell and using the direct exe reference to directly pass the argument in the executable fixed the issue.
        'C:\\Program Files\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe --profile-directory="Profile 1"',