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stats.ttest_ind() vs. "manual" computation of Student's independent t-test: different results

I am comparing stats.ttest_ind() vs "manual" computation of the same test, and get different results.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
import math

stats.ttest_ind() method:

#generate data
df = pd.DataFrame({ 
    'sex':np.random.choice( ['male', 'female'], 200, p=[0.4, 0.6]),

#define groups
men = df.age[ == 'male']
women = df.age[ == 'female']

#run t-test
test_stat, test_p = stats.ttest_ind(men, women)
print(test_stat, test_p)


-0.9265613940505325 0.355282312357339

Manual method:

men_mean, women_mean = men.mean(), women.mean()
#standard deviation
men_sd, women_sd = men.std(ddof=1), women.std(ddof=1)
#standard error
men_n, women_n = len(men), len(women)
men_se, women_se = men_sd/math.sqrt(men_n), women_sd/math.sqrt(women_n)
#standard error on the difference between men and women
se_diff = math.sqrt(men_se**2.0 + women_se**2.0)
t_stat = (men_mean - women_mean) / se_diff
#degrees of freedom
df = men_n + women_n - 2
#critical value
alpha = 0.05
cv = stats.t.ppf(1.0 - alpha, df)
# p-value
p = (1 - stats.t.cdf(abs(t_stat), df)) * 2
print(t_stat, cv, p)


-0.9244538916746341 0.3563753194455255

We can see there's a small difference. Why? Maybe because of how stats.ttest_ind() computes degrees of freedom? Any insight much appreciated.


  • The following works. It is your code from above, with only two rows changed.

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import scipy.stats as stats
    import math
    #generate data
    df = pd.DataFrame({ 
        'sex':np.random.choice( ['male', 'female'], 200, p=[0.4, 0.6]),
    #define groups
    men = df.age[ == 'male']
    women = df.age[ == 'female']
    #run t-test
    ############################### CHANGED THE ROW BELOW HERE
    test_stat, test_p = stats.ttest_ind(men, women,equal_var=False)  
    print(test_stat, test_p)
    men_mean, women_mean = men.mean(), women.mean()
    #standard deviation
    men_sd, women_sd = men.std(ddof=1), women.std(ddof=1)
    #standard error
    men_n, women_n = len(men), len(women)
    men_se, women_se = men_sd/math.sqrt(men_n), women_sd/math.sqrt(women_n)
    #standard error on the difference between men and women
    se_diff = math.sqrt(men_se**2.0 + women_se**2.0)
    t_stat = (men_mean - women_mean) / se_diff
    #degrees of freedom
    ############################### CHANGED THE ROW BELOW HERE
    df = (men_sd**2/men_n + women_sd**2/women_n)**2 / ( men_sd**4/men_n**2/(men_n-1)  + women_sd**4/women_n**2/(women_n-1)   )
    #critical value
    alpha = 0.05
    cv = stats.t.ppf(1.0 - alpha, df)
    # p-value
    p = (1 - stats.t.cdf(abs(t_stat), df)) * 2
    print(t_stat, cv, p)

    and it outputs

    -0.9244538916746341 0.356441636045986
    -0.9244538916746341 1.6530443278019797 0.3564416360459859

    The reason for the non-consistency in your code is this:

    On the line test_stat, test_p = stats.ttest_ind(men, women) you accepted the default setting that the t-test is to be computed by the equal-variances assumption. So the computation that scipy.stats gives you is a pure equal-variance t-test. That is described in the documentation for scipy.stats.ttest_ind

    In your own code, you followed the Welch test in general: you computed the estimate of the mean and its standard error for the men and women separately, and computed the t-statistic in that way.

    You did deviate from the Welch test in one place: the degrees-of-freedom computation. The degrees of freedom should be approximated with the formula I entered in the code (and linked to above), but you used the computation applicable under equal-variance assumptions.

    IF you want more details on how to compute these statistics, or why they are defined as they are, or why your code is not what you expected it, I suggest you check out and that are more appropriate for statistics questions, in comparison to that is more about the programming. Both those communities are proficient in python as well, so they should be able to help you out perfectly good.