I got this error
cluster.py", line 20, in load_data
distance, num, max_dis, min_dis = load_data(distance_file)
assert(len(content) == 3)
the code of cluster.py
with open(distance_file, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as infile:
for line in infile:
content = line.strip().split(' ')
assert(len(content) == 3)
idx1, idx2, dis = int(content[0]), int(content[1]), float(content[2])
sample of data like
1 1 0.000000
1 2 26.232388
1 3 44.486252
1 4 47.168839
1 5 37.593277
sample of the other file is
-82.3602 158.46
-91.0108 133.695
-125.815 148.936
-129.259 153.42
You get an AssertionError
, because the assertion fails, and it fails, because you are splitting on 1 space, but the values are separated by 2 spaces. To circumvent this, use split without arguments, which will split at arbitrary amounts of spaces:
content = line.strip().split()