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Can't login using mechanize from python. What am I doing wrong?

I'm trying to use mechanize in python to login to this site: On the surface, it looks like a 2-phase login process, same as google, but following receipts for google login via mechanize gets me nowhere. After submit()-ing the browser seems to remain on the same page, with a single form containing the single userName control. What am I doing wrong?

>>> import mechanize
>>> br = mechanize.Browser()
<response_seek_wrapper at 0x7f53bfbc4a00 whose wrapped object = <closeable_response at 0x7f53bfbc4580 whose fp = <_io.BufferedReader name=3>>>
>>> br.select_form(nr=0)
>>> print(br.form)
<GET application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>>> br['userName']=''
>>> resp = br.submit()
>>> # and after submitting I'm back a square one
>>> print(br.forms()[0])
<GET application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Is this hopeless? Am I doing it wrong?


  • My guess is that the login process depends on JavaScript. If the login depends on JavaScript you won't get the results you want with Mechanize. See Mechanize and Javascript

    The script tag at xpath 'body/script[2]' has a JavaScript object with 'loginSuccess': False key:value pair. Therefore my guess is that the login requires JavaScript.