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Linker problems after switching to VS2005 from VC6 (LNK4099)

I ported one of my old projects to VS2005 and am having linker warnings such as

xxxxx.lib(xxxxxxxx.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc60.pdb' was not found with ...; linking object as if no debug info

Now, I've tried rebuilding the project but the warnings won't go away. Is it really supposed to be looking for vc60.pdb and not vc80.pdb? I do have the vc80.pdb file..



  • You have an .obj linked into your .lib that has debugging info in it; that debugging info has a link to the vc60.pdb. If the .lib is your own, you need to recompile the source and rebuild the .lib file to update that reference. If the .lib isn't yours, you'll have to just ignore this warning and won't be able to debug into the source of that particular object file.