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How can I average all bands in a single PostGIS raster table?

I have 1 year of daily climate data in a single raster table in a postgis-enabled postgres database. It has 365 bands (one for each day). How do I average all the bands to get a single annual average per pixel? I tried ST_Union, but it returns all the bands, or I'm not using it correctly:

select rid, st_union(rast, 'MEAN')
from climate_table
group by rid;

I figured out a workaround using ST_DumpAsPolygons, but it is very slow. Any suggestions appreciated. (Also, I can't believe "bands" is not yet a tag, and I don't have enough reputation to create it!)


  • According to the documentation he function ST_Union() takes a set of rasters. You have a raster with many bands. You can use ST_Union but you have to transform your data into a set of rasters where each one contains 1 band first.

    Here is a testcase:

    -- Create a table and add a row with an empty raster:
    CREATE TABLE r_src(rid integer primary key, rast raster);
    INSERT INTO r_src values(1,ST_MakeEmptyRaster(4,4,0,0,1));
    -- Add two band layers to this raster one with value 10 for each point,
    -- the other with value 4 for each point.
    UPDATE r_src
        SET rast = ST_AddBand(rast,'4BUI'::text,10)
    WHERE rid = 1;
    UPDATE r_src
        SET rast = ST_AddBand(rast,'4BUI'::text,4)
    WHERE rid = 1;
    -- check what we have
    SELECT  (rmd).width, (rmd).height, (rmd).numbands
    FROM (SELECT ST_MetaData(rast) As rmd
        FROM r_src WHERE rid = 1) AS foo;
    -- 4| 4| 2  --ok
    -- output rasterdata in hex for both bands:
    SELECT ST_AsHexWKB(rast) As rastbin FROM r_src WHERE rid=1;
    -- output rasterdata for the 2nd band (note the '...040404' point values 
    -- compared to '...0A0A0A' if you select the band at idx 1
    SELECT ST_AsHexWKB(ST_Band(rast,2))FROM r_src WHERE rid = 1;
    -- now step by step...
    -- src is the single rast in our source table,
    -- in extracted this is joined with a generated series
    -- for each value in the series a new raster is returned 
    -- containing the band at that index:
    WITH src       AS (SELECT rast FROM r_src WHERE rid = 1),
         extracted AS (SELECT ST_Band(src.rast,ser.idx) 
                       FROM src
                       JOIN generate_series(1,2) AS ser(idx ) ON true)
    SELECT * FROM extracted;
    -- outputs 2 rows with one raster each, and each raster containing one band
    -- now aggreagating these:
    WITH src       AS (SELECT rast FROM r_src WHERE rid = 1),
         extracted AS (SELECT ST_Band(src.rast,ser.idx) AS r_day
                       FROM src
                       JOIN generate_series(1,2) AS ser(idx ) ON true)
    SELECT ST_Union(r_day,1,'MEAN') FROM extracted;
    -- outputs one row with the resulting raster holding one band 
    -- that band contains the 'MEAN' point values '...070707'

    I checked this out with a dataset you linked to and imported it into postgres using raster2pgsql. Due to its size, I decided to split it into tiles of 100x100 and got a table with 45 rows. Now to convert the whole raster I used the following statement:

    CREATE TABLE averages AS
    WITH extracted AS (SELECT src.rid , ST_Band(src.rast,ser.idx) AS r_day
                       FROM rastertest src
                       JOIN generate_series(1,365) AS ser(idx ) ON true)
    SELECT rid, ST_Union(r_day,1,'MEAN') AS rast
    FROM extracted
    GROUP BY rid;

    This creates a new table averages with the average values only.