I have the following
->select(DB::raw('source as Source, customer as Customers, COUNT(*) as count'))
->groupBy('source', 'customer')
I get the follwing results
Illuminate\Support\Collection {#460 ▼
#items: array:4 [▼
0 => {#466 ▼
+"Source": "Facebook"
+"Customer": "Yes"
+"count": 227
1 => {#463 ▼
+"Source": "PinInterest"
+"Customer": "Yes"
+"count": 370
2 => {#465 ▼
+"Source": "PinInterest"
+"Customer": "No"
+"count": 133
3 => {#467 ▼
+"Source": "Whatsapp"
+"Customer": "No"
+"count": 254
Now Source can be 1 - 10 different channels depending on the customer. Now Customer Be Yes or No.
How do I add modify collection to add Source Facebook, Customer No and Count 0, and Source WhatsApp, Customer Yes and Count 0
Source : Facebook Customer : Yes Count : 227
Source : Facebook Customer : No Count : 0
Source : Whatsapp Customer : No count : 254
Source : Whatsapp Customer : Yes count : 0
Using laravel's collection helpers you can add missing data in your original collection as
/** Result from original query */
$collection = collect([
["Source"=>"Facebook","Customer"=> "Yes","count"=> 227],
["Source"=>"PinInterest","Customer"=> "Yes","count"=> 370],
["Source"=>"PinInterest","Customer"=>"No","count"=> 133],
["Source"=>"Whatsapp","Customer"=> "No","count"=>254]
/** Unique list of sources */
$sources = $collection->pluck('Source')->unique();
/** Unique list of customers */
$customers = collect(["Yes","No","May Be"]);
$sources->each(function ($source, $sourceKey) use (&$collection,$customers) {
if($collection->where('Source', $source)->count() < count($customers)){
$customers->each(function ($customer, $customerKey) use (&$collection,$source) {
if($collection->where('Source', $source)->where('Customer', $customer)->count() === 0){
$collection = $collection->merge([["Source"=>$source,"Customer"=> $customer,"count"=>0]]);
/** Sort and print */
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
[0] => Array
[Source] => Facebook
[Customer] => Yes
[count] => 227
[4] => Array
[Source] => Facebook
[Customer] => No
[count] => 0
[5] => Array
[Source] => Facebook
[Customer] => May Be
[count] => 0
[1] => Array
[Source] => PinInterest
[Customer] => Yes
[count] => 370
[2] => Array
[Source] => PinInterest
[Customer] => No
[count] => 133
[6] => Array
[Source] => PinInterest
[Customer] => May Be
[count] => 0
[3] => Array
[Source] => Whatsapp
[Customer] => No
[count] => 254
[7] => Array
[Source] => Whatsapp
[Customer] => Yes
[count] => 0
[8] => Array
[Source] => Whatsapp
[Customer] => May Be
[count] => 0