I am currently trying to render a histogram using Python's matplotlib. I'm having difficulty drawing vertical lines between each of the bins.
Here is my current code
plt.figure(figsize=[10, 5])
array = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=100)
plt.hist(array, bins=25, color='#0504AA', alpha=0.5)
plt.grid(axis='x', alpha=0.5)
plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Value', fontsize=12.5)
plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=12.5)
plt.title('Histogram Distribution', fontsize=12.5)
Here is the current output
Here is the desired output
Try this:
plt.hist(array, bins=25, color='#0504AA', alpha=0.5,edgecolor ="black", linewidth=2)