I have an array (result) which is showing output on console like this. I am getting result as facebook multiquery output. Here is the definition of result.
-(void)request:(FBRequest*)request didLoad:(id)result {
NSLog(@" result is %@",result);
My multiquery foramt is here.
NSString* fql1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select uid,username,name from user where uid == %lld", _session.uid];
NSString* fql2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SELECT likes,message FROM stream WHERE source_id = %lld limit 50", _session.uid];
NSString* queries = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{\"UserRecord\":\"%@\",\"WallData\":\"%@\"}",fql1,fql2];
NSDictionary* params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:queries forKey:@"queries"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:@"facebook.fql.multiquery" params:params];
result is (
"fql_result_set" = (
name = "My Login Name";
uid = 1000024646062353;
username = myuserid;
name = UserRecord;
"fql_result_set" = (
likes = {
"can_like" = 1;
count = 2;
friends = (
uid = 100002483363608;
href = "http://www.facebook.com/browse/?type=likes&id=108202343353";
sample = (
"user_likes" = 1;
message = "This wall post is not from application.";
name = WallData;
I want to fetch make another which will keep only "message" values and one another which will keep "count" value respected with message. How will I separate these values from above array output
Edited version:
NSString *messageString = [[[[result objectAtIndex:1]objectForKey:@"fql_result_set" ] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"message"];
NSnumber *countNumber = [[[[[result objectAtIndex:1]objectForKey:@"fql_result_set" ] objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"likes"] objectForKey:@"count"];