I'm building something between a Python library and a DSL (domain specific language), for very specific applications, such that we can avoid:
class Car(RoomObject):
def __init__(self):
self.rect = rect(-20, -20, 40, 40)
self.zindex = -10
self.pos = self.rect.midbottom
_tempvar = 123
def do(self, x)
self.foo = x
and have this instead:
class Car(RoomObject): # 1) avoid the def and self, all nested paragraphs in class are def
init(): # 2) __init__ -> init 3) automatically do the super init
rect = rect(-20, -20, 40, 40) # 4) assignations are self. by default...
zindex = -10
pos = rect.midbottom
_tempvar = 123 # 5) ...except if variable name begins with _
do(x): # ==> def do(self, x):
foo = x # ==> self.foo = x
Can this be done with a built-in Python library, such as inspect
(code introspection) or a preprocessor (if any), or not?
Context: it's for a niche market, where I can't ask non-tech people to write things like def __init__(self):
self.rect = ...
all the time. I need those specific people to be able to write in a simpler dialect, and my tool translate it into regular Python.
You are trying to write a dialect.
You can do this to some extent, see the implementation of https://pypi.org/project/pypreprocessor/.
You can write something like:
import mypreprocessor
class Car(RoomObject): # 1) avoid the def and self, all nested paragraphs in class are def
init(): # 2) __init__ -> init 3) automatically do the super init
rect = rect(-20, -20, 40, 40) # 4) assignations are self. by default...
zindex = -10
pos = rect.midbottom
_tempvar = 123 # 5) ...except if variable name begins with _
do(x): # ==> def do(self, x):
foo = x # ==> self.foo = x
Then in mypreprocessor.parse()
def parse():
... load current file
... preprocess
... call exec()
... sys.exit(0)