I'm just get a Exception while running a Cucumber test and I tried to find what I can do for it, but no luck about that.
When I made a post in the last step:
When('accept terms of use') do
until @o == 200
@o = CadastroApp.sign_term1.code
sleep 1
class CadastroApp
include HTTParty
def self.sign_term1
body: {
'ContractsId': $contract1,
'deviceType': 'Smartphone',
'Platform': 'ios',
'Model': 'Iphone XS max',
headers: {
'Authorization': "Bearer #{$auth_token}",
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
I got the error:
52: def self.cucumber_run_with_backtrace_filtering(pseudo_method)
53: begin
54: yield
55: rescue Exception => e
56: instance_exec_invocation_line = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 2}:in `cucumber_run_with_backtrace_filtering'"
57: replace_instance_exec_invocation_line!((e.backtrace || []), instance_exec_invocation_line, pseudo_method)
58: raise e
59: end
60: end
I don't know if it is a problem, but I was using a lot of "until @variable == 200" to loop the api until I got response code 200.
This isn't a error. This is a response send by Ruby when I get a failure in the step.