I use Eclipse Helios (JBoss Tools installed) with JBoss 5.1 GA and Seam 2.2. I noticed that each time my project is being deployed, I see a warning telling me that no permission store is installed. Install permission store if you want to use persistent connections
Please how to do I make use of the default permission store that comes with the framework?
Look in section JpaPermissionStore
of seam documentation
The main point there is that you assign a special entity, that will be responsible to provide and store authorization data. Seam will scan annotations org.jboss.seam.annotations.security.permission.*
on fields of the entity and decide how to use or set the values of that fields.
Also note that Seam won't provide you UI to manage the permission store, instead it will give APIs, which you use to build your own.
I haven't found a good example on how to use this feature of Seam, but seamspace
example coming with Seam should give you a starting point on how to use Seam Security