I want to iterate over the elements of two jsonb arrays at once. If it was only one array I know I could simply use json_array_elements and everything would be fine. But for multiple arrays I'm having a hard time to come up with a solution.
Similar to Unnest multiple arrays in parallel, but just for jsonb arrays. So I know that for regular postgres arrays there is unnest(anyarray, anyarray [, ...]).
Here's a snippet of my schematic data scenario:
FROM jsonb_to_recordset('[{"id": 0, "array_a": ["a", "c"], "array_b": ["b" , "d"]}]')
AS example(id jsonb, array_a jsonb, array_b jsonb)
That I want to transform to:
a | b
c | d
Hope someone can help me with that.
Best wishes Andy
Use with ordinality
and a join to zip the values together:
with invars as (
FROM jsonb_to_recordset('[{"id": 0, "array_a": ["a", "c"], "array_b": ["b" , "d"]}]')
AS example(id jsonb, array_a jsonb, array_b jsonb)
select a1, b1
from invars
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(array_a) with ordinality as ela(a1, rn)
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(array_b) with ordinality as elb(b1, rn)
where ela.rn = elb.rn;
If the arrays can be of differing lengths, then this works even though there is likely a more elegant solution:
with invars as (
FROM jsonb_to_recordset('[{"id": 0, "array_a": ["a", "c", "e"], "array_b": ["b" , "d", "f", "h"]}]')
AS example(id jsonb, array_a jsonb, array_b jsonb)
), a_side as (
select a1, rn
from invars
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(array_a) with ordinality as ela(a1, rn)
), b_side as (
select b1, rn
from invars
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(array_b) with ordinality as elb(b1, rn)
select a1, b1
from a_side
full join b_side
on a_side.rn = b_side.rn