Ok I'm new to python but...I really like it. I have been trying to figure this out for awhile and thought someone could help that knows a lot more than I.
So what I would like to do is use pygsheets and combine batch the updates with one api call vs several. I have been searching for examples or ideas and found if you unlink and link it will do this? I tried and it speed it up only a little bit, then I looked and you could use update.values vs update.value. I have got it to work with the something like this wk1.update_values('A2:C4',[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) but what if you want the updates to be in specific cell locations vs a range like a2:c4? I appreciate any advice in advance.
https://pygsheets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/worksheet.html#pygsheets.Worksheet.update_values https://pygsheets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sheet_api.html?highlight=batch_updates#pygsheets.sheet.SheetAPIWrapper.values_batch_update
import pygsheets
gc = pygsheets.authorize() # This will create a link to authorize
# Open spreadsheet
GS_ID = ''
File_Tab_Name = 'File1'
Main_Topic = 'Main Topic'
Actual_Company_Name = 'Company Name'
Street = 'Street Address'
City_State_Zip = 'City State Zip'
Phone_Number = 'Phone Number'
# 2. Open spreadsheet by key
sh = gc.open_by_key(GS_ID)
sh.title = File_Tab_Name
wk1 = sh[0]
wk1.title = File_Tab_Name
wk1.update_values([['a1'],['h1'],['i3']],[[Main_Topic],[Actual_Company_Name],[Street]]) ### is this possible
#wk1.title = File_Tab_Name
#wk1.update_value("a1",Main_Topic) ###Topic
#wk1.update_value("h1",Actual_Company_Name) ###Company Name
#wk1.update_value("i3",Street) ###Street Address
#wk1.update_value("i4",City_State_Zip) ###City State Zip
#wk1.update_value("i5",Phone_Number) ### Phone Number
#wk1.link() # will do all the updates
From what I could undersand you want to batch update values. you can use the update_values_batch
wks.update_values_batch(['A1:A2', 'B1:B2'], [[[1],[2]], [[3],[4]]])
# or
wks.update_values_batch([((1,1), (2,1)), 'B1:B2'], [[[1,2]], [[3,4]]], 'COLUMNS')
# or
wks.update_values_batch(['A1:A2', 'B1:B2'], [[[1,2]], [[3,4]]], 'COLUMNS')
see doc here.
NB: update pygsheets to latest version or install from gitub
pip install --upgrade https://github.com/nithinmurali/pygsheets/archive/staging.zip