When running the following C file, copying the character to fgetc
to my tmp pointer results in unknown characters being copied over for some reason. The characters received from fgetc()
are the expected characters. However, for some reason when assigning this character to my tmp pointer unknown characters get copied over.
I've tried looking for the reason why online, but haven't found any luck. From what I have read it could be something to do with UTF-8 and ASCII issues. However, I'm not sure about the fix. I'm a relatively new C programmer and still new to memory management.
TMP: Hello, DATA!�
TEXT: Hello, DATA!�
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro5.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h>
const int WIN_WIDTH = 1366;
const int WIN_HEIGHT = 768;
char *readFile(const char *fileName) {
FILE *file;
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("File could not be opened for reading.\n");
size_t tmpSize = 1;
char *tmp = (char *)malloc(tmpSize);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("malloc() could not be called on tmp.\n");
for (int c = fgetc(file); c != EOF; c = fgetc(file)) {
if (c != NULL) {
if (tmpSize > 1)
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, tmpSize);
tmp[tmpSize - 1] = (char *)c;
tmp[tmpSize] = 0;
printf("TMP: %s\n", tmp);
return tmp;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ALLEGRO_TIMER* timer = al_create_timer (1.0 / 30.0);
ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *queue = al_create_event_queue();
ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* display = al_create_display(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);
ALLEGRO_FONT* font = al_create_builtin_font();
al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_keyboard_event_source());
al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_display_event_source(display));
al_register_event_source(queue, al_get_timer_event_source(timer));
int redraw = 1;
char *text = readFile("game.DATA");
printf("TEXT: %s\n", text);
while (1) {
al_wait_for_event(queue, &event);
if (event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER)
redraw = 1;
else if ((event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) || (event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE))
if (redraw && al_is_event_queue_empty(queue)) {
al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0));
al_draw_text(font, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255), 0, 0, 0, text);
redraw = false;
return 0;
game.DATA file:
Hello, DATA!
What I use to run the program:
gcc game.c -o game $(pkg-config allegro-5 allegro_font-5 --libs --cflags)
I tried taking the file reading code and running it in a new c file, for some reason it works there, but not when in the game.c file with allegro code.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char *readFile(const char *fileName) {
FILE *file;
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("File could not be opened for reading.\n");
size_t tmpSize = 1;
char *tmp = (char *)malloc(tmpSize);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("malloc() could not be called on tmp.\n");
for (int c = fgetc(file); c != EOF; c = fgetc(file)) {
if (c != NULL) {
if (tmpSize > 1)
tmp = (char *)realloc(tmp, tmpSize);
tmp[tmpSize - 1] = (char *)c;
tmp[tmpSize] = 0;
printf("TMP: %s\n", tmp);
return tmp;
void main() {
char *text = readFile("game.DATA");
printf("TEXT: %s\n", text);
return 0;
Produces the correct output always:
TMP: Hello, DATA!
TEXT: Hello, DATA!
When you write a loop that updates various things each time through, like you do with tmpSize
in your loop here, it's important to have a handle on what the theoretical computer science types call your "loop invariants". That is, what is it that's true each time through the loop? It's important not only to maintain your loop invariants properly, but also to pick your loop invariants so that they're easy to maintain, and easy for a later reader to understand and to verify.
Since tmpSize
starts out as 1, I'm guessing your loop invariant is trying to be, "tmpSize
is always one more than the size of the string I've read so far". A reason for picking that slightly-strange loop invariant is, of course, that you'll need that extra byte for the terminating \0
. The other clue is that you're setting tmp[tmpSize-1] = c;
But here's the first problem. When we exit the loop, and if tmpSize
is still one more than the size of the string you've read so far, let's see what happens. Suppose we read three characters. So tmpSize
should be 4. So we'll set tmp[4] = 0;
. But wait! Remember, arrays in C are 0-based. So the three characters we read are in tmp[0]
, tmp[1]
, and tmp[2]
, and we want the terminating \0
character to go into tmp[3]
, not tmp[4]
. Something is wrong.
But actually, it's worse than that. I wasn't at all sure I understood the loop invariant, so I cheated, and inserted a few debugging printouts. Right before the realloc
call, I added
printf("realloc %zu\n", tmpSize);
and at the end, right before the tmp[tmpSize] = 0;
line, I added
printf("final %zu\n", tmpSize);
The last few lines it printed (while reading a game.DATA file containing "Hello, DATA!" just like yours) were:
realloc 10
realloc 11
realloc 12
final 13
But this is off by two! If the last reallocation gave the array a size of 12, the valid indices are from 0 to 11. But somehow we end up writing the \0
into cell 13.
It took me a while to figure it out, but the second problem is that you do the reallocation at the top of the loop, before you've incremented tmpLen
To me, the loop invariant of "one more than the size of the string read so far" is just too hard to think about. I very much prefer to use a loop invariant where the "size" variable keeps track of the number of characters I have read, not +1 or -1 off of that. Let's see how that loop might look. (I've also cleaned up a few other things.)
size_t tmpSize = 0;
char *tmp = malloc(tmpSize+1);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("malloc() failed.\n");
for (int c = getc(file); c != EOF; c = getc(file)) {
printf("realloc %zu\n", tmpSize+1+1);
tmp = realloc(tmp, tmpSize+1+1); /* +1 for c, +1 for \0 */
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("realloc() failed.\n");
tmp[tmpSize] = c;
printf("final %zu\n", tmpSize);
tmp[tmpSize] = '\0';
There's still something fishy here -- I said I didn't like "fudge factors" like +1, and here I've got two -- but at least now the debugging printouts go
realloc 11
realloc 12
realloc 13
final 12
so it looks like I'm not overrunning the allocated memory any more.
To make this even better, I want to take a slightly different approach. You're not supposed to worry abut efficiency at first, but I can tell you that a loop that calls realloc
to make the buffer bigger by 1, each time it reads a character, can end up being really inefficient. So let's make a few more changes:
size_t nchAllocated = 0;
size_t nchRead = 0;
char *tmp = NULL;
for (int c = getc(file); c != EOF; c = getc(file)) {
if(nchAllocated <= nchRead) {
nchAllocated += 10;
printf("realloc %zu\n", nchAllocated);
tmp = realloc(tmp, nchAllocated);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("realloc() failed.\n");
tmp[nchRead++] = c;
printf("final %zu\n", nchRead);
tmp[nchRead] = '\0';
Now there are two separate variables: nchAllocated
keeps track of exactly how many characters I've allocated, and nchRead
keeps track of exactly how many characters I've read. And although I've doubled the number of "counter" variables, in doing so I've simplified a lot of other things, so I think it's a net improvement.
First of all, notice that there are no +1 fudge factors any more, at all.
Second, this loop doesn't call realloc
every time -- instead it allocates characters 10 at a time. And because there are separate variables for the number of characters allocated versus read, it can keep track of the fact that it may have allocated more characters than it has read so far. For this code, the debugging printouts are:
realloc 10
realloc 20
final 12
Another little improvement is that we don't have to "preallocate" the array -- there's no initial malloc
call. One of our loop invariants is that nchAllocated
is the number of characters allocated, and we start this out as 0, and if there are no characters allocated, then it's okay that tmp
starts out as NULL. This relies on the fact that when you call realloc
for the first time, with tmp
equal to NULL
, realloc
is fine with that, and essentially acts like malloc
But there's one question you might be asking: If I got rid of all my fudge factors, where do we arrange to allocate one extra byte to hold the terminating \0
character? It's there, but it's subtle: it's lurking in the test
if(nchAllocated <= nchRead)
The very first time through the loop, nchAllocated
will be 0, and nchRead
will be 0, but this test will be true, so we'll allocate our first chunk of 10 characters, and we're off and running. (If we didn't care about the \0
character, the test nchAllocated < nchRead
would have sufficed.)
...But, actually, I've made a mistake! There's a subtle bug here!
What if the file being read is empty? tmp
will start out NULL
, and we'll never make any trips through the loop, so tmp
will remain NULL
, so when we assign tmp[nchRead] = 0
it'll blow up.
And actually, it's worse than that. If you trace through the logic very carefully, you'll find that any time the file size is an exact multiple of 10, not enough space gets allocated for the \0
, after all.
And this indicates a significant drawback of the "allocate characters 10 at a time" scheme. The code is now harder to test, because the control flow is different for files whose size is a multiple of 10. If you never happen to test that case, you won't realize that this program has a bug in it.
The way I usually fix this is to notice that the \0
byte I have to add to terminate the string is sort of balanced by the EOF
character I read that indicated the end of the file. Maybe, when I read the EOF
, I can use it to remind me to allocate space for the \0
. That's actually easy enough to do, and it looks like this:
int c;
while(1) {
c = getc(file);
if(nchAllocated <= nchRead) {
nchAllocated += 10;
printf("realloc %zu\n", nchAllocated);
tmp = realloc(tmp, nchAllocated);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("realloc() failed.\n");
if(c == EOF)
tmp[nchRead++] = c;
printf("final %zu\n", nchRead);
tmp[nchRead] = '\0';
The trick here is that we don't test for EOF
until after we've checked that there's enough space in the buffer, and called realloc
if necessary. It's as if we allocate space in the buffer for the EOF
-- except then we use that space for the \0
instead. This is what I meant by "use it to remind me to allocate space for the \0
Now, I have to admit that there's still a drawback here, in that the loop is now somewhat unconventional. A loop that has while(1)
at the top looks like an infinite loop. This one has
if(c == EOF) break;
down in the middle of it, so it is literally a "break in the middle" loop. (This is by contrast to conventional for
and while
loops, which are "break at the top", or a do
loop, which is "break at the bottom".) Personally, I find this to be a useful idiom, and I use it all the time. But some programmers, and perhaps your instructor, would frown on it, because it's "weird", it's "different", it's "unconventional". And to some extent they're right: unconventional programming is somewhat dangerous programming, and is bad if later maintenance programmers can't understand it because they don't recognize or don't understand the idioms in it. (It's sort of the programming equivalent of the English word "ain't", or a split infinitive.)
Finally, if you're still with me, I have one more point to make. (And if you are still with me, thank you. I realize this answer has gotten very long, but I hope you're learning something.)
Earlier I said that "a loop that calls realloc
to make the buffer bigger by 1, each time it reads a character, can end up being really inefficient." It turns out that a loop that makes the buffer bigger by 10 isn't much better, and can still be significantly inefficient. You can do a little better by incrementing it by 50 or 100, but if you're dealing with input that might be really big (thousands of characters or more), you're usually better off increasing the buffer size by leaps and bounds, perhaps by multiplying it by some factor, rather than adding. So here's the final version of that part of the loop:
if(nchAllocated <= nchRead) {
if(nchAllocated == 0) nchAllocated = 10;
else nchAllocated *= 2;
printf("realloc %zu\n", nchAllocated);
tmp = realloc(tmp, nchAllocated);
And even this improvement -- multiplying by 2, rather than adding something -- comes with a cost: we need an extra test, to special-case the first trip through the loop, because nchAllocated
started out as 0, and 0 × 2 = 0.