I have 10k row data in crate database. How to read the data without iteration. I am using crateDB C# Npgsql client for my service.
var connString = "Host=myserver;Username=mylogin;Password=mypass;Database=mydatabase";
await using var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString);
await conn.OpenAsync();
// Retrieve all rows
var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("select * from sensordata where timestamp >= extract(epoch from (now() - interval '1 week'))", conn);
var result = new List<SensorDataViewModel>();
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while(reader.HasRows && reader.Read())
SensorDataViewModel item = new SensorDataViewModel {
sensorid = reader["sensorid"].ToString(),
deviceid = reader["deviceid"].ToString(),
reading = Convert.ToInt32(reader["reading"]),
timestamp = (double)reader["timestamp"]
here im reading each row at a time in while loop. that take lot of time in processing ?
Maybe you need to consider using EntityFrameworkCore. For more details please refer to https://www.npgsql.org/efcore/index.html
Below is my sample code which I have tried. In the CrateDb contain 2 tables. One is customers and another is todo. These table has a relationship where customer.id=todo.customer_id.
The first and second query inside the sample is just select every records from the 2 tables respectively.
The third query is using join to retrieve related records according to the relationship and filtered by customers.id.
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
MemoContext memoContext = new MemoContext();
//select * from customers
List<Customer> customers = memoContext.customers.Select(x => new Customer
id = x.id,
name = x.name,
contactno = x.contactno,
email = x.email
//select * from todo
List<Todo> todos = memoContext.todo.Select(x => new Todo
complete = x.complete,
customer_id = x.customer_id,
id = x.id,
title = x.title
//SELECT c.name, c.email, c.contactno, t.title, t.complete
//FROM customers AS c
//JOIN todo AS t ON t.customer_id = c.id
//WHERE c.id=1
var memo = memoContext.customers.Join(
c => c.id,
t => t.customer_id,
(c, t) => new
id = c.id,
name = c.name,
email = c.email,
contactno = c.contactno,
todotitle = t.title,
complete = t.complete
}).Where(n => n.id == 1).ToList();
class MemoContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Customer> customers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Todo> todo { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
=> optionsBuilder.UseNpgsql("Host=localhost;Port=5432;Username=crate;SSL Mode=Prefer;Database=doc");
I hope it is useful to you.