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Why does BigInteger parse "80"(hex) to two bytes?

I want to convert a hex-string to a byte-array. I thought using BigInteger is a good idea. But for values greater than 7F it produces unexpected results.

My code:

    var bytes = new BigInteger("80", 16).toByteArray();
    for (var b : bytes) System.out.println(b);

It outputs:


Why does this produce two bytes?

I would have expected 00 to FF to produce one byte, 0100 to FFFF to produce two bytes, and so forth.

Side note: The first byte seems to actually matter:

new BigInteger(new byte[]{      (byte)0x80}); // produces -128 (negative!)
new BigInteger(new byte[]{   0, (byte)0x80}); // produces  128
new BigInteger(new byte[]{0, 0, (byte)0x80}); // produces  128


  • Thanks for all Your contributions, comments and answers, finally I understand what is going on.

    Numbers from 0 to Hex 0x7F (decimal 127) work like this:

    First Bit=sign (0=+,1=-)
    |    Other bits=number
    v    vvv vvvv
    0    111 1111    = 0x7F = 127

    Numbers from 128 to Hex 0x7FFF (decimal 32.767) work like this:

    First Bit (of first byte!)=sign
    |    Other bits and other bytes=number
    v    vvv vvvv vvvv vvvv
    0    000 0000 1000 0000    = 0x80 = 128

    Long story short:

    • Only the first bit of the first byte is determining the sign
    • All other bits of all other bytes determine the absolute value
      • That is 7 bits of the first byte
      • And 8 bits of every other byte