For a variable i
I have two UnitRanges 1:i-1
and i+1:n
and I want only one UnitRange that would be their concatenation. My current workaround is doing vcat(1:i-1, i+1:n)
but it will result an Array{Int}
instead of a UnitRange{Int}
This will finally gives red performance type with @code_warntype in the next minimal example:
using Gurobi, JuMP
function minimal_example()
milp = Model(() -> Gurobi.Optimizer())
@variable(milp, x[i=1:n, j=vcat(1:i-1, i+1:n)], Bin)
@code_warntype minimal_example()
Type performance result:
#self#::Core.Compiler.Const(minimal_example, false)
1 ─ (#9 = %new(Main.:(var"#9#13")))
│ %2 = #9::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#9#13"(), false)
│ (milp = Main.Model(%2))
│ JuMP._valid_model(milp, :milp)
│ JuMP._error_if_cannot_register(milp, :x)
│ %6 = JuMP.Containers.container::Core.Compiler.Const(JuMP.Containers.container, false)
│ %7 = Main.:(var"#10#14")::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#10#14", false)
│ %8 = Core.typeof(milp)::Core.Compiler.Const(Model, false)
│ %9 = Core.apply_type(%7, %8)::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#10#14"{Model}, false)
│ (#10 = %new(%9, milp))
│ %11 = #10::var"#10#14"{Model}
│ %12 = JuMP.Containers.nested::Core.Compiler.Const(JuMP.Containers.nested, false)
│ (#11 = %new(Main.:(var"#11#15")))
│ %14 = #11::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#11#15"(), false)
│ (#12 = %new(Main.:(var"#12#16")))
│ %16 = #12::Core.Compiler.Const(var"#12#16"(), false)
│ %17 = (%12)(%14, %16)::Core.Compiler.Const(JuMP.Containers.NestedIterator{Tuple{var"#11#15",var"#12#16"},JuMP.Containers.var"#20#22"}((var"#11#15"(), var"#12#16"()), JuMP.Containers.var"#20#22"()), false)
│ (##1226 = (%6)(%11, %17))
│ %19 = JuMP.object_dictionary(milp)::Dict{Symbol,Any}
│ %20 = ##1226::JuMP.Containers.SparseAxisArray
│ Base.setindex!(%19, %20, :x)
│ (x = ##1226)
│ %23 = ##1226::JuMP.Containers.SparseAxisArray
└── return %23
I have search Julia's document page on UnitRanges but couldn't find where it is told how should I cat them.
I tried other ways such as
@variable(milp, x[i=1:n, j=[j for j in 1:n if i!=j]], Bin)
@variable(milp, x[i=1:n, j=UnitRange(vcat(1:i-1, i+1:n))], Bin)
without success.
I guess this should work (no more red in @code_warntype
function minimal_example(n)
milp = Model()
x = Array{VariableRef}(undef, n, n)
for i in 1:n
x[i, 1:i-1] = @variable(milp, [1:i-1], Bin)
x[i, i+1:n] = @variable(milp, [i+1:n], Bin)
you should really test different options and see what's best in YOUR case