I'm using AngularFirestore and NgRx and I have a problem that when I have several requests to the same method only the last one gets fulfilled. How can I fix this?
DB method
// Using: import { AngularFirestore } from '@angular/fire/firestore';
getUnit(unitId: string): Observable<Unit> {
const unit$ = this.afs
.pipe(map((x) => x.payload.data()));
return unit$;
This method gets called correctly with multiple IDs.
loadUnit = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(({ unitId }) => {
console.log('EFFECT CALL: ' + unitId);
return this.dbService.getUnit(unitId).pipe(
map((unit) => {
console.log('EFFECT MAP: ID' + unitId, unit);
return unitActions.unitLoaded({ unit });
This logs:
EFFECT CALL: re_demo_d4_c01_u01
EFFECT CALL: re_demo_d4_c01_u02
EFFECT CALL: re_demo_d4_c01_u03
EFFECT CALL: re_demo_d4_c01_u04
EFFECT CALL: re_demo_d4_c01_u05
EFFECT MAP: IDre_demo_d4_c01_u05 {thumbnail: "[url]", title: "10% 25% 50% 100%", introduction: Array(4), id: "re_demo_d4_c01_u05", name: "Procenten en breuken", …}
EFFECT MAP: IDre_demo_d4_c01_u05 {thumbnail: "[url]", title: "10% 25% 50% 100%", introduction: Array(4), id: "re_demo_d4_c01_u05", name: "Procenten en breuken", …}
The fact that MAP is triggered twice is something else that I don't really understand but can be solved by piping sharedReplay
in the DB method. It doesn't seem like the problem at hand though.
How do I get all docs?
I'm using:
"@angular/fire": "^6.1.4",
"firebase": "^7.24.0",
"rxjs": "^6.6.3",
"@ngrx/core": "^1.2.0",
"@ngrx/effects": "^10.1.2",
It was a mistake with higher order observable mapping.
In my effect I was using switchMap
which cancelled all uncompleted observables. What I wanted was all observables completing (in parallel) which is accomplished using mergeMap
mergeMap(({ unitId }) =>
.pipe(map((unit) => unitActions.unitLoaded({ unit })))
Detailed explanation found here: https://blog.angular-university.io/rxjs-higher-order-mapping/
The other weird thing were the inner observable was emitting twice was resolved by adding get
on the doc.