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How to read a vb6 fixed-length string from a binary file in


I have a vb6 software that use this particular Type:

Type Example
    A As Integer
    B As Single
    C As String * 10
    D  As Byte
    E As String
End Type

This structure is entirely saved in a binary file with a simple "put":

Dim Numfile%
Numfile = FreeFile
Put #Numfile, , example_instance


Now I want to read this binary file from (.NET Framework 4). The problem is that in .net we don't have fixed strings... I've tried to write something like:

Structure Example
     Dim A As Short
     Dim B As Single 
     Dim C() As Char ' ---> This should replace String * 10.
     Dim D As Byte 
     Dim E As String 
End Structure

And then I read the file with:

Dim n as short = FreeFile()
Dim instance as Example
If FileExists(filename) Then
    FileOpen(n, filename, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read)
    FileGet(n, instance)

But, obviously, the original data was not detected correctly.

How can I read this binary file correctly in


  • I'll write this as an answer, even though I'm not 100% sure it will work because it's not something I have ever done. The VBFixedString attribute exists specifically to be used in situations where VB6 would use a fixed-length String. As such I think that declaring your type like this:

    Structure Example
         Dim A As Short
         Dim B As Single
         <VBFixedString(10)> Dim C As String
         Dim D As Byte
         Dim E As String
    End Structure

    should do the trick.