I have two data tables as shown below.
table1_id(PK) DriverID Vehicle
111 Ram00 VRN01
112 Shyam00 VRN02
113 Ram00 VRN03
table2_id(PK) DriverID exit_time
AA1 Ram00 10.10AM
AA2 Hari00 11.20PM
Combined Output
table1_id DriverID Vehicle table2_id exit_time
111 Ram00 VRN01 AA1 10.10AM
112 Shyam00 VRN02 NULL NULL
113 Ram00 VRN03 AA1 10.10AM
NULL Hari00 NULL AA2 11:20PM
DriverID is common in both table. But just merging two datatable will not give this result. Please help to achieve this.
You can use Two Data tables to combine into one Data table via Coding and Remove the Extra Column later the For loop ends,Check my code it will work.
string Qry = "select tab1.table_id,'' as DriverID,vehicle,tab1.driver_id Tab1DrvrID,exit_time from tab1 " +
"full join tab2 on tab2.driver_id=tab1.driver_id";
cmd = new SqlCommand(Qry, con);
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
dt = new DataTable();
//string DrvrID;
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
string Qry2 = "select tab1.table_id,'' as DriverID,vehicle,tab1.driver_id Tab1DrvrID,tab2.driver_id Tab2DrvrID,exit_time from tab1 " +
"full join tab2 on tab2.driver_id=tab1.driver_id ";
cmd = new SqlCommand(Qry2, con);
SqlDataAdapter daa = new SqlDataAdapter();
DataTable dtt = new DataTable();
daa = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
if (dtt.Rows.Count > 0)//
string s=dtt.Rows[i]["Tab1DrvrID"].ToString();
if (s=="")
dt.Rows[i]["DriverID"] = dtt.Rows[i]["Tab2DrvrID"].ToString();
dt.Rows[i]["DriverID"] = dtt.Rows[i]["Tab1DrvrID"].ToString();