I have created a DataState wrapper class to wrap data that I get from the Api Service I have. The class structure is the following
sealed class DataState<out R> {
data class Success<out T>(val data: T): DataState<T>()
data class Error(val exception: Exception): DataState<Nothing>()
object Loading: DataState<Nothing>()
object Empty: DataState<Nothing>()
I have a ViewModel class that I store the data and observe them from my Fragment or Activity. In my ViewModel I store the data like this
private val _dataList: MutableLiveData<DataState<List<CustomData>>> = MutableLiveData()
val dataList: LiveData<DataState<List<CustomData>>>
get() = _dataList
then in my Activity I can observe the data when a change happens with success but the problem is when I want to access data already fetched in my ViewModel after a change has occurred.
when I call
the type that is returned is DataState<List> and I do not know how to get the actual list from that structure.
is returning the state
, you need to use when
statement to get the respective data
val dataState = viewModel.dataList.value
is Success -> {
val customerList = dataState.data
// you can access your list directly using data state
is Error -> {
val error = dataState.exception
//same applies for other states