In traditional method, I will use this command to repo init and repo sync, and it works.
repo init -u -b main -m manifest.xml
But due to some reasons, I need to do something like this:
Step 1: clone the repo to my computer
git clone
Step 2: repo init from a local .git and local manifest.xml (Fail)
repo init -m manifest.xml
Fail at step 2 with this message "fatal: manifest url (-u) is required."
It was inside the git clone directory.
Anyone know how to repo init from a local git repo and local manifest.xml file ? Please provide code example if possible, Thanks.
You have several options.
If there is already a repo workspace, which means repo init
has been run and .repo
exists, you could copy the manifest to .repo/manifests
. Suppose it's .repo/manifests/manifest.xml
, or rename it as .repo/manifests/my_manifest.xml
in order to avoid naming conflicts. And then run
repo sync -m my_manifest.xml
repo init -u -b main -m my_manifest.xml
# my_manifest.xml does not have to be tracked as
# long as it's under .repo/manifests
repo sync
If your own manifest.xml
is tracked in a local repository /path/to/manifests/
, on the branch foo
, you could also use
repo init -u file:///path/to/manifests -b foo -m manifest.xml
repo sync
can be omitted.
BTW, the remote
element in the manifest file could also be a local repository.