I have a chart that I am displaying but the values on the y axis are being rounded to 1 decimal place but I would like for it to go to 2 decimal places. The data being fed into the chart has 6 decimal places as you can see in the legend when you hover over different parts of the chart. How do I keep it from rounding or specifying the number of decimals to round to? I have included a sample of the data because the full set is over a 1000 lines long. The full data set is in the codepen.
let data = {
count: 226,
results: [
{ date: "2019-12-12", nav_code: "2039", amount: "10.000000", change: 0 },
{ date: "2019-12-13", nav_code: "2039", amount: "10.000000", change: 0 },
date: "2019-12-16",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.208000",
change: 2.037618
date: "2019-12-17",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.236000",
change: 2.305588
date: "2019-12-18",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.248000",
change: 2.419984
date: "2019-12-19",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.264000",
change: 2.572097
date: "2019-12-20",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.284000",
change: 2.761571
date: "2019-12-23",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.292000",
change: 2.837155
date: "2019-12-24",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.292000",
change: 2.837155
date: "2019-12-26",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.312000",
change: 3.025601
date: "2019-12-27",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.324000",
change: 3.138318
date: "2019-12-30",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.300000",
change: 2.912621
date: "2019-12-31",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.316000",
change: 3.063203
date: "2020-01-02",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.368000",
change: 3.549383
date: "2020-01-03",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.350799",
change: 3.389101
date: "2020-01-06",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.339216",
change: 3.280868
date: "2020-01-07",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.328300",
change: 3.178645
date: "2020-01-08",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.339970",
change: 3.287921
date: "2020-01-09",
nav_code: "2039",
amount: "10.386636",
change: 3.722437
function createStockChart(chartContainerID, rangeContainerID, data) {
var percentageChange = anychart.data.table("date");
var navs = anychart.data.table("date");
// Init stock chart
var chart = anychart.stock();
//Set animations
chart.animation(true, 5000);
//Remove the credits
//Set chart settings
var plot = chart.plot();
value: "change"
.name("% Change")
plot.yAxis().labels().format(function() {
return this.value.toFixed(2);
chart.crosshair().yLabel().format(function() {
return this.value.toFixed(2);
//format the legend
var legend = plot.legend();
//enable legend
//remove the title
//format item in legend
legend.itemsFormat("% Change: {%value}");
//Disable the scroller
//Set container for chart and draw chart
createStockChart("stock-chart", "stock-chart-range-selector", data.results);
Ok, got it! In the context of the crosshair label formatter you can find rawValue
field that includes not rounded value. You should use it for this purpose, instead of value
field. Like this:
chart.crosshair().yLabel().format(function() {
return this.rawValue;
So, you can round or format the raw value exactly as you need.