I am adding Application Insights (AI) to my web API service by following this page Application Insights Instructions. I managed to get my service to connect to AI and I am able to see when my service preforms a post, get, etc. I also placed log calls through my service, but none of them are being written to my AI's Traces log.
I made sure to setup my Startup.cs and appsettings.json files to contain the new code needed to run AI in throughout my service, and the logging data need to have AI grab logs debug and up.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Logging Example
public async Task ProcessQueueAsync(dBData dbContext)
// _logger is of type ILogger<[INSERT CLASS NAME]>
_logger.LogDebug("This is a test log by Lotzi11.");
await ProcessQueueAsyncSingle(dbContext, CancellationToken.None);
Can someone help me figure out why my logs are not being sent to AI?
Your code configuration and appsettings.json
are correct. I can see these logs in AI as per your settings at my side.
One thing you should know is that, it may take a few minutes for these data to arrive in AI server. Please wait for a few minutes, like 5 minutes or more, then query these data again from azure portal -> application insights.
And here is a simple way to check if the data is sent to AI. In visual studio, when running the project, you can search the logs in visual studio output window. If you can find the logs there, then it should be sent to AI:
Search in visual studio output window:
If you still cannot see the these logs in AI, you should also check if you have set something like filter
or sampling
in your code.