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Create comma separated value strings using data from different tables in SQL Server

I have the following database model:

criteria table:
criteria_id   criteria_name      is_range
  1         product_category        0
  2         product_subcategory     0
  3             items               1
  4            criteria_4           1

evaluation_grid table:
evaluation_grid_id  criteria_id start_value  end_value  provider    property_1    property_2 property_3      
    1                       1       3           NULL    internal        1             1             1
    2                       1       1           NULL    internal        1             1             1
    3                       2       1           NULL    internal        1             2             1
    4                       3       1           100     internal        2             1             1
    5                       4       1           50      internal        2             2             1
    6                       1       2           NULL    external        2             8             1
    7                       2       2           NULL    external        2             5             1
    8                       3       1           150     external        2             2             2
    9                       3       1           100     external        2             3             1

 product_category table:
   id    name
   1     test1 
   2     test2
   3     test3

 product_subcategory table:
   id    name
   1     producttest1
   2     producttest2
   3     producttest3

What I am trying to achieve is returning the values like this:

 criteria             start_value    end_value  provider   property_1   property_2  property_3
 product_category     test3, test1     NULL     internal        1           1           1
 product_subcategory  producttest1     NULL     internal        1           2           1
 items                     1           100      internal        2           1           1
 criteria_4                1           50       internal        2           2           1
 product_category         test2       NULL      external        2           8           1
 product_subcategory  producttest2    NULL      external        2           5           1
 items                     1           150      external        2           2           2
 criteria_4                1           100      external        2           3           1

Basically keeping the order from table evaluation_grid but grouping only the criterias which are not ranges in comma separated value strings based on start_value, end_value, provier, property_1, property_2 and property_3

I tried like this:

 SELECT c.criteria_name AS criteria
,CASE WHEN c.criteria_id = 1
       (IsNull(STUFF((SELECT ', ' + RTRIM(LTRIM(
        FROM product_category pc 
        INNER JOIN [evaluation_grid] eg ON
        WHERE srsg.criteria_id=c.criteria_id
        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, ''), '')) 
    WHEN c.criteria_id = 2
        THEN (IsNull(STUFF((SELECT ' , ' + RTRIM(LTRIM(
            FROM product_subcategory psc 
            INNER JOIN [evaluation_grid] eg ON
            WHERE srsg.criteria_id=c.criteria_id
            FOR XML PATH('')
            ), 1, 3, ''), '')) 
        CAST(eg.start_value AS VARCHAR)
    END AS start_value
,eg.end_value AS end_value
,eg.provider AS provider
,eg.property_1 AS property_1
,eg.property_2 AS property_2
,eg.property_3 AS property_3
FROM [evaluation_grid] eg
INNER JOIN criteria c ON eg.criteria_id = crs.criteria_id
GROUP BY c.criteria_name,c.criteria_id,c.is_range,eg.start_value,eg.end_value,eg.provider,eg.property_1,eg.property_2,eg.property_3

But it is returning wrong data, like this:

criteria                    start_value      end_value      provider   property_1   property_2  property_3
product_category     test3, test1, test2        NULL        internal        1           1           1
product_category     test3, test1, test2        NULL        external        2           8           1
product_category     test3, test1, test2        NULL        internal        1           1           1
product_subcategory  producttest1,producttest2  NULL        internal        1           2           1
product_subcategory  producttest1,producttest2  NULL        external        2           5           1
items                        1                  100         internal        1           1           1
items                        1                  150         external        2           2           2
criteria_4                   1                  50          internal        2           2           1
criteria_4                   1                  100         external        2           3           1

I tried some versions with "with cte;" as well but didn't manage to find the solution yet and yes, I checked the similar questions already. :) PS: I cannot use STRING_AGG because we have below 2017 Sql Server version. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated, thanks !


  • As far as I can tell this query returns the exact output you're looking for.

    with cte as (
        select c.criteria_name,
               case when c.criteria_id = 1 then pc.[name]                                       
                    when c.criteria_id = 2 then psc.[name]
                    else null end pc_cat, 
                c.criteria_id,c.is_range, eg.start_value, eg.end_value,
                eg.[provider], eg.property_1, eg.property_2,eg.property_3
        from @evaluation_grid eg
             join @criteria c ON eg.criteria_id = c.criteria_id
             left join @product_category pc on
             left join @product_subcategory psc on
    select c.criteria_name as criteria,
           case when c.is_range=0 then 
                    STUFF((SELECT ', ' + RTRIM(LTRIM(c2.pc_cat))
                           FROM cte c2 
                           WHERE c2.criteria_id=c.criteria_id
                                 and c2.is_range=c.is_range
                                 and c2.[provider]=c.[provider]
                                 and c2.property_1=c.property_1
                                 and c2.property_2=c.property_2
                                 and c2.property_3=c.property_3
                           FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
                else max(cast(c.start_value as varchar(50))) end as start_value,
           c.end_value, c.[provider], c.property_1, c.property_2, c.property_3
    from cte c
    group by c.criteria_name, c.criteria_id, c.is_range, c.end_value,
             c.[provider], c.property_1, c.property_2, c.property_3
    order by max(c.evaluation_grid_id);


    criteria            start_value     end_value   provider    property_1  property_2  property_3
    product_category    test3, test1    NULL        internal    1           1           1
    product_subcategory producttest1    NULL        internal    1           2           1
    items               1               100         internal    2           1           1
    criteria_4          1               50          internal    2           2           1
    product_category    test2           NULL        external    2           8           1
    product_subcategory producttest2    NULL        external    2           5           1
    items               1               150         external    2           2           2
    criteria_4          1               100         external    2           3           1